Orthodox Jewish Bible

Melachim Bais 14:1-8 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. In the second year of Yoash Ben Yehoachaz Melech Yisroel reigned Amatzyahu Ben Yoash Melech Yehudah.

2. He was twenty and five years old when he began to reign as melech, and reigned twenty and nine shanah in Yerushalayim. And shem immo was Yehoaddin from Yerushalayim.

3. And he did that which was yashar in the eyes of Hashem, yet not like Dovid aviv; he did according to all things as Yoash aviv did.

4. Howbeit the [idolatrous] high places were not taken away; as yet HaAm did offer zevakhim and burn ketoret on the high places.

5. And it came to pass, as soon as the mamlakhah was chazakah in his yad, that he executed his avadim which had slain HaMelech aviv [Yoash, See 2Kgs 12:20-21].

6. But the banim of the makkim (assassins, murderers) he slaughtered not; according unto that which is written in the Sefer Torat Moshe, wherein Hashem commanded, saying, The avot shall not be put to death for the banim, nor the banim be put to death for the avot; but every ish shall be put to death for his own chet (sin) [Dt. 24:16].

7. He struck down Edom in the Gey HaMelach 10,000, and took Selah [Petra] in milchamah (battle), and called the shem of it Yokte'el unto this day.

8. Then Amatzyah sent malachim to Yehoash Ben Yehoachaz Ben Yehu Melech Yisroel, saying, Come, let us face off [in war].