Orthodox Jewish Bible

Melachim Bais 13:16-21 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

16. And he said to Melech Yisroel, Place thine yad upon the keshet. And he put his yad upon it; and Elishah put his hands upon the hands of HaMelech.

17. And he said, Open the east chalon. And he opened it. Then Elishah said, Shoot. And he shot. And he said, The khetz (arrow) of the teshuah (salvation) unto Hashem, and the khetz of teshuah against Aram; for thou shalt strike down Aram at Aphek, unto complete destruction.

18. And he said, Take the khitzim (arrows). And he took them. And he said unto Melech Yisroel, Strike the ground. And he struck shalosh pe'amim (three times) and stopped.

19. And the Ish HaElohim was in wrath with him, and said, Thou shouldest have struck chamesh or shesh pe'amim; then hadst thou struck down Aram till thou hadst completely destroyed it; whereas now thou shalt defeat Aram but 3 pe'amim.

20. And Elishah died, and they buried him. And the raiding parties of Mo'av would invade the land at the beginning of the shanah.

21. And it came to pass, as they were burying an ish, that, hinei, they spotted a raiding party; and they cast the ish into the kever of Elishah; and when the ish was let down, and touched the atzmot of Elishah, he revived, and stood up alive on his raglayim.