Orthodox Jewish Bible

Melachim Alef 8:31-43 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

31. If any ish trespass against his neighbor, and an oath be laid upon him to cause him to swear, and the oath come before Thine Mizbe'ach in this Bayit;

32. Then hear Thou in Shomayim, and do, and judge Thy avadim, condemning the rasha, to bring his derech upon his rosh; and lehatzeddik (justifying, declaring innocent and acquitted) the tzaddik, to give him according to his tzedakah.

33. When Thy people Yisroel be struck down before the oyev, because they have sinned against Thee, and shall turn back to Thee, and confess Thy Shem, and daven, and make supplication unto Thee in this Bayit:

34. Then hear Thou in Shomayim, and forgive the chattat of Thy people Yisroel, and bring them back unto HaAdamah which Thou gavest unto their Avot.

35. When Shomayim is shut up, and there is no matar (rain), because they have sinned against Thee; if they daven toward this Makom, and confess Thy Shem, and turn from their chattat, when Thou afflictest them;

36. Then hear Thou in Shomayim, and forgive the chattat of Thy avadim, and of Thy people Yisroel, that Thou teach them the Derech Hatovah wherein they should walk, and give matar (rain) upon Thy Land, which Thou hast given to Thy people for a nachalah.

37. If there be in HaAretz ra'av, if there be dever, blight, mildew, arbeh, or if there be grasshopper; if their oyev besiege them in the eretz of their she'arim; whatsoever nega (plague), whatsoever machalah (disease) there be;

38. What tefillah and techinnah be made by any adam, or by all Thy people Yisroel, which shall know every man the nega of his own levav, and spread forth his palms toward this Bayit;

39. Then hear Thou in Shomayim the Makom of Thy dwelling, and forgive, and do, and give to every ish according to his derech, whose lev Thou knowest; (for Thou, even Thou only, knowest levav kol Bnei HaAdam);

40. That they may fear Thee all hayamim that they are chayyim in the adamah which Thou gavest unto Avoteinu.

41. Moreover concerning a nokhri (foreigner), that is not of Thy people Yisroel, but cometh out of a far country for Thy Name's sake;

42. (For they shall hear of Thy Shem HaGadol, and of Thy Yad HaChazakah, and of Thy stretched out zero'a;) and shall come and daven toward this Bayit;

43. Hear Thou in Shomayim the Makom of Thy dwelling, and do according to all that the nokhri calleth to Thee for; that all peoples of ha'aretz may know Thy Shem, to fear Thee, as do Thy people Yisroel; that they may know that this Bayit, which I have built, is called by Thy Shem.