Orthodox Jewish Bible

Melachim Alef 8:2-14 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

2. And all the Ish Yisroel assembled themselves unto HaMelech Sh'lomo at the Chag [Sukkot] in the month Etanim [Tishri], which is the seventh month.

3. And all the Zekenim of Yisroel came, and the Kohanim took up the Aron.

4. And they brought up the Aron Hashem, and the Ohel Mo'ed and all the kelei hakodesh that were in the Ohel, even those did the Kohanim and the Levi'im carry up.

5. And Sh'lomo HaMelech, and all the Adat Yisroel, that were assembled unto him, were with him before the Aron, sacrificing tzon and bakar, that could not be told nor numbered for multitude.

6. And the Kohanim brought in the Aron Brit Hashem unto its makom, in the Devir HaBayit, the Kodesh HaKodashim, even under the wings of the keruvim.

7. For the keruvim spread forth their kenafayim (wings) over the place of the Aron, and the keruvim overshadowed the Aron and the poles thereof.

8. They drew out the poles, that the ends of the poles were seen out in the Kodesh before the Devir, but they were not seen from the outside; there they are unto this day.

9. There was nothing in the Aron except the two Luchot HaAvanim (Tablets of Stone), which Moshe placed there at Chorev, when Hashem cut a Brit with the Bnei Yisroel, when they came out of Eretz Mitzrayim.

10. And it came to pass, when the Kohanim were come out of the Kodesh, that the anan filled the Beis Hashem,

11. So that the Kohanim could not stand up to minister because of the anan; for the Kavod Hashem had filled the Beis Hashem.

12. Then spoke Sh'lomo, Hashem said that He would dwell in the thick cloud.

13. I have surely built Thee a Beis of habitation, a Makhon for Thee to abide olamim.

14. And HaMelech turned his face about, and made a berakhah upon Kol Kehal Yisroel; (and Kol Kehal Yisroel were standing);