Orthodox Jewish Bible

Melachim Alef 8:14-24 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

14. And HaMelech turned his face about, and made a berakhah upon Kol Kehal Yisroel; (and Kol Kehal Yisroel were standing);

15. And he said, Baruch Hashem Elohei Yisroel, which spoke with His mouth unto Dovid Avi, and hath with His yad fulfilled it, saying,

16. Since the yom that I brought forth My people Yisroel out of Mitzrayim, I chose no ir out of all the Shivtei Yisroel to build a Beis, that Shemi might be therein; but I chose Dovid to be over My people Yisroel.

17. It was in the levav Dovid Avi to build Bayit for Shem Hashem Elohei Yisroel.

18. And Hashem said unto Dovid Avi, Whereas it was in thine lev to build a Beis unto Shemi, thou didst well that it was in thine lev.

19. Nevertheless thou shalt not build the Bayit; but thy ben that shall come forth out of thy loins, he shall build the Bayit unto Shemi.

20. And Hashem hath fulfilled His Davar that He spoke, and I am risen up in the place of Dovid Avi, and sit on the Kisse Yisroel, just as Hashem promised, and have built Bayit for the Shem Hashem Elohei Yisroel.

21. And I have set there a Makom for the Aron, wherein is the Brit Hashem, which He cut with Avoteinu, when He brought them out of Eretz Mitzrayim.

22. And Sh'lomo stood before the Mizbe'ach Hashem in the presence of all the Kahal Yisroel, and spread forth his palms toward Shomayim;

23. And he said, Hashem Elohei Yisroel, there is no Elohim like Thee, in Shomayim above, or on HaAretz beneath, who is shomer HaBrit and keeps chesed with Thy avadim that walk before Thee with all their lev;

24. Who hast been shomer with Thy eved Dovid Avi that Thou promised him; Thou spoke also with thy mouth, and hast fulfilled it with Thine yad, as it is this day.