Orthodox Jewish Bible

Melachim Alef 7:5-14 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

5. And all the petachim and mezuzot were framed foursided by beams; and outlook opposite outlook, shalosh pe'amim (three times).

6. And he made Ulam HaAmmudim (Hall of Pillars); the length thereof was fifty cubits, and the width thereof thirty cubits: and the ulam (portico) was in front of them [i.e., the petachim]; and the other ammudim [for the portico roof] with the thick beam were before them.

7. Then he made Ulam HaKisse where he would judge, even the Ulam HaMishpat; and it was covered with erez (cedar) from floor to floor [i.e., covering the entire floor].

8. And his Bais (palace) where he dwelt which was in another khatzer (courtyard) inwards from the Ulam [HaKisse], was similar in workmanship. Sh'lomo made also a Bais for Bat Pharaoh, whom he had taken as isha, and the Bais (palace) he made was like this Ulam.

9. All these were of expensive stone, according to the measure of hewed stones, filed with files, outside and inside, even from the foundation unto the ceiling, and from without to the Khatzer HaGedolah (the Great Court).

10. And the foundation was laid with expensive stones, even avanim gedolot, stones of 10 cubits, and stones of 8 cubits.

11. And above were expensive avanim, after the measure of hewed stones, and cedars.

12. And the Khatzer HaGedolah (Great Court) was formed of shaloshah--three courses of hewn stones, and a course of hewn cedar beams, as in the Beis Hashem's Khatzer HaPenimit (Innermost Court) and for the Ulam HaBeis [HaMikdash].

13. And HaMelech Sh'lomo sent and brought back Chiram from Tzor.

14. He was ben isha almanah of the tribe of Naphtali, and aviv was an ish of Tzor, a khoresh nechoshet and he was filled with chochmah and tevanah, and da'as to work all works in nechoshet. And he came to HaMelech Sh'lomo, and wrought all his work.