Orthodox Jewish Bible

Melachim Alef 7:34-48 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

34. And there were four supports to the four pinnot (corners) of each stand; and the supports were of the stand itself.

35. And at the top of the Mekhonah (Stand) was there a round rim of half a cubit high; and on the top of the Mekhonah (Stand) the rods thereof and the frames thereof were cast as one unit.

36. For on the luchot of the rods thereof, and on the misgerot (panels) thereof, he engraved keruvim, arayot, and timorot (palms), according to the proportion of every one, and wreaths all around.

37. After this manner he made the ten Mekhonot; all of them had one casting, one middah (size), and one shape.

38. Then made he ten kiyyorot nechoshet (basins of bronze); one kiyor could hold forty baths; and every kiyor was four cubits; and upon each of the ten Mekhonot there was one kiyor (basin).

39. And he put five Mekhonot (Stands) on the right side of the Beis [HaMikdash], and five on the left side of the Beis ; and he set the Yam on the right side of the Beis eastward opposite the south.

40. And Chiram made the kiyyrot, and the ya'im (shovels), and the mizrakot (bowls for sprinkling blood). So Chiram completed all the melakhah (work) that he made for Sh'lomo HaMelech for the Beis Hashem;

41. The two ammudim, and the two bowls of the capitals that were on the top of the two ammudim; and the two networks, decorating the two bowls of the capitals which were upon the top of the ammudim;

42. And four hundred rimonim (pomegranates) for the two networks, even two courses of rimonim (pomegranates) for one network, to decorate the two bowls of the capitals that were upon the ammudim;

43. And the ten Mekhonot (stands), and ten Kiyyorot (basins) on the Mekhonot;

44. And one Yam, and twelve Bakar under the Yam;

45. And the sirot (pots), and the ya'im (shovels), and the mizrakot (bowls for sprinkling blood); and all these kelim (vessels), which Chiram made for Sh'lomo HaMelech for the Beis Hashem were of burnished nechoshet.

46. In the plain of the Yarden did HaMelech cast them, in the clay of the adamah (ground) between Sukkot and Tzartan.

47. And Sh'lomo left all the kelim (vessels) unweighed, because they were exceeding many; neither was the weight of the nechoshet found out.

48. And Sh'lomo made all the kelim (vessels) that pertained unto the Beis Hashem: the Mizbe'ach HaZahav, and the Shulchan HaZahav, whereupon was the Lechem HaPanim,