Orthodox Jewish Bible

Melachim Alef 7:1-8 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. But Sh'lomo was building his own Bais (palace complex) thirteen years, and he finished all his Bais.

2. He built also the Bais Ya'ar HaLevanon; the length thereof was a hundred cubits, and the width thereof fifty cubits, and the height thereof thirty cubits, upon four rows of cedar pillars, with cedar beams upon the pillars.

3. And it was roofed in erez (cedar) above the tzela'ot (chambers, side-rooms) upon the ammudim; there were forty-five, fifteen per row.

4. And there were shekufim (windows) in three rows, and outlook was opposite outlook, shalosh pe'amim (three times).

5. And all the petachim and mezuzot were framed foursided by beams; and outlook opposite outlook, shalosh pe'amim (three times).

6. And he made Ulam HaAmmudim (Hall of Pillars); the length thereof was fifty cubits, and the width thereof thirty cubits: and the ulam (portico) was in front of them [i.e., the petachim]; and the other ammudim [for the portico roof] with the thick beam were before them.

7. Then he made Ulam HaKisse where he would judge, even the Ulam HaMishpat; and it was covered with erez (cedar) from floor to floor [i.e., covering the entire floor].

8. And his Bais (palace) where he dwelt which was in another khatzer (courtyard) inwards from the Ulam [HaKisse], was similar in workmanship. Sh'lomo made also a Bais for Bat Pharaoh, whom he had taken as isha, and the Bais (palace) he made was like this Ulam.