Orthodox Jewish Bible

Melachim Alef 6:31-37 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

31. And for the entering of the Devir he made doors of olive wood; the lintel and the five-sided door posts.

32. The two doors also were of olive wood; and he carved upon them carvings of keruvim and palm trees and open flowers, and overlaid them with zahav, and spread zahav upon the keruvim, and upon the palm trees.

33. So also made he for the entrance of the Heikhal foursided door posts of olive wood.

34. And the two doors were of cypress wood; the two leaves of the one door were folding, and the two leaves of the other door were folding.

35. And he carved thereon keruvim and palm trees and open flowers; and covered them with zahav fitted upon the carved work.

36. And he built the inner court with three rows of hewed stone, and a row of cedar beams.

37. In the fourth year was the foundation of the Beis Hashem laid, in the month Ziv;