Orthodox Jewish Bible

Melachim Alef 5:3-10 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

3. (4:23) Ten stall fed bakar, and twenty bakar out of the pastures, and a hundred tzon, beside deer, and gazelle, and roebuck, and choice fowl.

4. (4:24) For he had dominion over all the region beyond the Nahar, from Tiphsach even to Azzah (Gaza), over all the melachim beyond the Nahar [i.e., west of the Euphrates]; and he had shalom on all sides around him.

5. (4:25) And Yehudah and Yisroel dwelt securely, every ish under his gefen and under his te'enah (fig tree), from Dan even to Be'er Sheva, all the days of Sh'lomo.

6. (4:26) And Sh'lomo had forty thousand stalls of susim for his merkavot, and twelve thousand parashim.

7. (4:27) And these Nitzavim [al kol Yisroel, see 4:7-19] provided for HaMelech Sh'lomo, and for all that came near unto Shulchan HaMelech Sh'lomo, every ish in his chodesh; they lacked nothing.

8. (4:28) Se'orim (barley) also and straw for the susim and swift steeds brought they unto the makom (place) where it should be, each according to his mishpat (charge, quota, duty, responsibility).

9. (4:29) And Elohim gave Sh'lomo chochmah and tevunah (understanding, insight) exceeding much, and rochav lev (largeness of heart), even as the chol (sand) that is on the seashore.

10. (4:30) And the chochmah Sh'lomo excelled the chochmat kol Bnei Kedem and kol chochmat Mitzrayim.