Orthodox Jewish Bible

Melachim Alef 3:17-24 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

17. And the one isha said, O adoni, I and this isha dwell in one bayit; and I was delivered of child with her babayit (in the house).

18. And it came to pass the Yom HaShelishi after that I was delivered, that this isha was delivered also: and we were together; there was no zar (stranger, outsider) with us babayit, except we two babayit.

19. And this ben haisha died in the lailah; because she had lain upon him.

20. And she arose in the middle of the lailah, and took beni (my son) from beside me, while thine amah (handmaid) slept, and laid it in her kheyk (bosom), and laid her ben hamet (dead son) in my kheyk.

21. And when I rose in the boker to nurse beni, hinei, met! (dead!) But when I had examined him in the boker, hinei, he was not beni I bore!

22. And the isha ha'acheret (other woman) said, Lo (no); but hachai (the living) is beni (my son), and hamet (the dead) is the ben of yours. But this one said, Lo (no), the ben of yours is hamet (the dead [one]), and beni is hachai! Thus they went on arguing before HaMelech!

23. Then said HaMelech, The one saith, This is beni (my son) hachai (the living [one]), and thy ben is hamet (the dead [one]); and the other saith, Lo; but the ben of yours is hamet, and beni is hachai.

24. And HaMelech said, Bring me a cherev. And they brought the cherev before HaMelech.