Orthodox Jewish Bible

Melachim Alef 16:19-28 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

19. For his chattot which he sinned in doing rah (evil) in the eyes of Hashem, in walking in the derech Yarov`am, and in his chattat which he did, to make Yisroel to sin.

20. Now the rest of the acts of Zimri, and his kesher that he plotted, are they not written in the Sefer Divrei HaYamim L'Malkhei Yisroel?

21. Then were HaAm Yisroel divided into two parts: half of the people followed Tivni Ben Ginat, to make him Melech; and half followed Omri.

22. But the people that followed Omri were stronger against the people that followed Tivni Ben Ginat; so Tivni died, and Omri reigned as Melech.

23. In the thirty and first year of Asa Melech Yehudah began Omri to reign as Melech over Yisroel, reigning twelve years; shesh shanim reigned he in Tirtzah.

24. And he bought the Har Shomron from Shemer for two talents of kesef, and built on the hill, and called the shem of the Ir which he built, after the shem of Shemer, adonei hahar (owner of the hill), Shomron.

25. But Omri wrought rah in the eyes of Hashem, and did sin more than all that were before him.

26. For he walked in all the derech Yarov`am Ben Nevat, and in his chattat wherewith he made Yisroel to sin, to provoke Hashem Elohei Yisroel to anger with their havalim (vanities, nothingnesses, i.e., idols)

27. Now the rest of the acts of Omri which he did, and his gevurah that he did, are they not written in the Sefer Divrei HaYamim L'Malkhei Yisroel?

28. So Omri slept with his avot, and was buried in Shomron; and Ach'av Bno reigned as Melech in his place.