Orthodox Jewish Bible

Melachim Alef 13:6-13 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

6. And HaMelech answered and said unto the Ish HaElohim, Intercede now before the face of Hashem Eloheicha, and daven for me, that my yad may be restored to me. And the Ish HaElohim made intercessory prayer before Hashem, and the yad HaMelech was restored to him, and became as it was before.

7. And HaMelech said unto the Ish HaElohim, Come with me habaytah (home), and have seudah, and I will give thee a mattat (gift).

8. And the Ish HaElohim said unto HaMelech, If thou wilt give me half thine bais, I will not go in with thee, neither will I eat lechem nor drink mayim in this makom;

9. For so was it charged me by the Devar Hashem, saying, Eat no lechem, nor drink mayim, nor return again by the same derech that thou camest.

10. So he went another derech, and returned not by the derech that he came to Beit-El.

11. Now there dwelt a navi zaken (old prophet) in Beit-El; and his banim came and told him kol hama'aseh that the Ish HaElohim had done that day in Beit-El: the devarim which he had spoken unto HaMelech, them they told also to their av.

12. And their av said unto them, What derech went he? For his banim had seen on what derech the Ish HaElohim, who came from Yehudah, went.

13. And he said unto his banim, Saddle me the chamor. So they saddled him the chamor; and he rode thereon,