Orthodox Jewish Bible

Melachim Alef 11:12-16 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

12. Notwithstanding in thy yamim I will not do it lema'an (for the sake of) Dovid Avicha; but I will tear it out of the yad binecha (power of thy son).

13. Howbeit I will not tear away kol hamamlachah; but will give shevet echad (one tribe) to binecha le'ma'an Dovid Avdi and lema'an Yerushalayim which I have chosen.

14. And Hashem raised up satan (adversary) unto Sh'lomo, Hadad HaAdomi; he was from the zera HaMelech in Edom.

15. For it came to pass, when Dovid was in Edom, and Yoav Sar HaTzava was gone up to bury the slain, after he had struck down every zakhar in Edom;

16. (For six months did Yoav remain there with kol Yisroel, until he had cut off every zakhar in Edom);