Orthodox Jewish Bible

Melachim Alef 1:1-11 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. Now HaMelech Dovid was zaken and stricken in yamim; and they covered him with begadim, but he could get no warmth.

2. Wherefore his avadim said unto him, Let there be sought for adoni HaMelech a na'arah betulah; and let her stand before HaMelech, and let her care for him, and let her lie at thy kheyk (bosom), that adoni HaMelech may be warm.

3. So they sought for a na'arah yafeh throughout all the territory of Yisroel, and found Avishag HaShunammit, and brought her to HaMelech.

4. And the na'arah was yafeh ad me'od, and cared for HaMelech, and waited on him; but HaMelech knew her not.

5. Then Adoniyah Ben Chaggit put himself forward, saying, I will be Melech; and he prepared him merkavot and parashim, and chamishim ish to run before him.

6. And Aviv had not rebuked him at any time in saying, Why hast thou done so? And he also was tov to'ar (good looking); and [immo] bore him after Avshalom.

7. And he conferred with Yoav Ben Tzeruyah, and with Evyatar (Abiathar) HaKohen; and they lent ezer (help), following after Adoniyah.

8. But Tzadok HaKohen, and Benayah Ben Yehoyada, and Natan HaNavi, and Shim'i, and Re'i, and the Gibborim which belonged to Dovid, were not with Adoniyah.

9. And Adoniyah sacrificed tzon and bakar and fatted bull at the Zochelet Even (Stone of Zoheleth), which is Ein Rogel, and invited all his achim, the Bnei HaMelech, and all the anshei Yehudah who were avadim of HaMelech;

10. But Natan HaNavi, and Benayah, and the Gibborim, and Sh'lomo his brother, he invited not.

11. Wherefore Natan spoke unto Bat-Sheva em Sh'lomo, saying, Hast thou not heard that Adoniyah Ben Chaggit became Melech, and Dovid adoneinu knoweth it not?