Orthodox Jewish Bible

Mattityahu 7:12-27 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

12. Therefore, everything that you wish Bnei Adam do for you, thus also you do for them. For this is the Torah and the Neviim.

13. Enter through the derech (way) of the shaar hatzarut (gate of narrowness), for wide is the delet and broad is the rekhov (street) leading to Avaddon (destruction, hell, Abbadon), and rabbim (many) are they who enter through it.

14. But tzar (narrow) is the delet and constricted is the Derech (Way) that leads to Chayyim (life) and few are the ones finding it.

15. Beware of the neviei hasheker (false prophets), who come to you in the malbush (clothing) of kevasim (sheep), but within are ravenous ze'evim (wolves).

16. By their perot (fruits) you will have da'as of them. Surely grapes are not gathered from thorns nor figs from thistles, are they?

17. So every etz tov (good tree) produces pri tov (good fruit), but the etz nishchat (corrupt tree) produces pri rah.

18. An etz tov is not able to produce pri rah nor is an etz nishchat able to produce pri tov.

19. Kol etz (every tree) not producing pri tov is cut off and is thrown into HaEish (the Fire) (YESHAYAH 66:24; DANIEL 12:2).

20. Therefore, by their perot (fruits) you shall have da'as of them.

21. Not all the ones saying to me, Adoneinu, Adoneinu, will enter the Malchut HaShomayim, but the one doing the ratzon Avi shba-Shomayim (the will of my Father in Heaven [Mt 26:39]).

22. Many [messianic darshanim] will say to me [Moshiach] on that Day [the Yom HaDin, the Day of Judgment], Adoneinu, Adoneinu, did we not speak as neviim in your Name? Did we not cast out shedim (evil spirits, demons) in your Name? Did we not accomplish many niflaot (miracles) in your Name?

23. And then I will tell them to their face, I never had da'as of you. Depart from me, you workers of mufkarut (lawlessness) [TEHILLIM 6:9(8)].

24. Therefore, everyone who hears these dvarim (words) of mine and does them, is like a chacham (wise man) who built his bais (house) upon the Tzur (Rock).

25. And the geshem (rain) came down, the floods arrived, and the winds blew and beat against that bais, and it did not fall, for it had been founded upon the Tzur (Rock).

26. And everyone hearing these words of mine [Divrei Moshiach] and not doing them is like the shoteh (fool), who built his bais upon the sand.

27. And the geshem (rain) came down, and the floods arrived, and the winds blew and beat against that bais, and it fell, and gadolah was the mapalah (fall, downfall, defeat) of it.