Orthodox Jewish Bible

Mattityahu 25:14-24 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

14. For it is as a man going on a journey, who called to his own avadim (slaves) and handed over to them his possessions.

15. And to this one, he gave five talents, and to this one, two, and to this one, one, each according to his own ability. Then the man went on his journey. Immediately.

16. After the man had gone, the one having received the five talents, went to work with them, and gained five others.

17. Likewise, the one having received the two talents, this one gained two others.

18. But the one, having received one, went out and dug a hole in the ground and buried the gelt (money) of his Adon in a hiding place.

19. And after much time, here comes the Adon of those servants. And he conducts a settling of accounts with them.

20. Then the one who had received five talents came forward, bringing five more talents, saying, Adoni, five talents you gave me. Hinei! Five more talents I gained.

21. And his Adon said to him, Shkoyach (well done), eved tov vneeman (good and faithful servant)! A few things you were faithful over, over many things I will ordain you. Enter into the simchah of your Adon.

22. And having come forward, the one having received two talents, said, You bestowed upon me two talents. Hinei! Two more talents I gained.

23. His Adon said to him, Shkoyach (well done), eved tov vneeman! A few things you were faithful over, over many things I will ordain you. Enter into the simcha of your Adon.

24. And also the one who had received one talent stepped forward. He said, Adoni, I knew that you are a hard man, reaping where you did not sow and gathering from that which you did not scatter seed.