Orthodox Jewish Bible

Mattityahu 24:20-32 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

20. But offer tefillos that your escape may not be in winter or on Shabbos.

21. For then will be Tzarah Gedolah (Great Tribulation) such as has not been from Reshit HaOlam (Beginning of the World) until now nor will it by any means happen again.

22. And if those days were not cut short, kol basar (all flesh) would not be saved. But, on account of the Kadoshim, the Bechirim (Chosen Ones), those days will be cut short.

23. Then, if someone says to you, Hinei, here is the Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach!, Or, Hinei! Here! Do not have emunah (faith) [in that].

24. For meshichei sheker (false Moshiachs) will arise, and neviei sheker (false prophets), and they will give otot gedolim (great signs) and moftim (wonders), so as to deceive, if possible, even the Bechirim (Chosen ones).

25. Hinei! I have told you beforehand!

26. If, therefore, they say to you, Hinei! He [Moshiach] is in the desert! Do not go out [there]. Hinei! [Moshiach] is in the secret cheder (room)! Do not have emunah [in that].

27. For as lightning goes out from the mizrach (east) and shines to as far as the maarav (west), thus will be the Bias HaMoshiach (coming of the Messiah, the Ben HaAdam, Son of Man--DANIEL 7:13).

28. Wherever the place of the Geviya (Corpse) is, there will be gathered together the nesharim (vultures, eagles [popularly]).

29. Immediately after the Tzarah (Tribulation Mt 24:21) of those days, the shemesh will be darkened, and the levanah will not give its light. And the kokhavim will fall from Shomayim, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.

30. And then will appear the Ot Ben Adam (the Sign of the Son of Man) in Shomayim. All the tribes of kol haaretz (all the earth) will see the Ben HaAdam Moshiach and his Bias, his Coming, on the ananim of Shomayim (clouds of glory of Heaven) with gevurah (power) and great kavod (glory).

31. Moshiach will send his malachim with a loud blast of the Shofar, and the malachim will gather together Moshiach's Bechirim from the four winds, from one end of Shomayim to the other.

32. And from the etz teenah (fig tree), learn its parabolic lesson: when its branch has become tender already and sprouts leaves, you know that Kayitz (Summer) is near;