Orthodox Jewish Bible

Mattityahu 14:1-15 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. At that time reports about Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach came to the oznayim (ears) of Herod the Tetrarch.

2. And he said to his servants, This one is Yochanan of the tevilah of teshuva. He has had his Techiyah (Resurrection) from HaMesim (the Dead) and for this reason the moftim (wonders) are working in him.

3. For Herod had Yochanan arrested and bound him and threw him into the beit hasohar (prison), on account of Herodias, the wife of his brother Philip.

4. For Yochanan kept on saying to him, It is asur for you to have her.

5. And [although] Herod was desiring to kill Yochanan, he feared the crowd, because they considered Yochanan a Navi.

6. Now at the yom huledet celebration of Herod, it came about that the daughter of Herodias danced before them and Herod was pleased.

7. Herod, therefore, with a shevuah, promised to give to her whatever she might ask.

8. So she, prompted by her mother, said, Give to me here upon a serving tray the rosh (head) Yochanan of the tevilah of teshuva.

9. And, although grieving, the king commanded [it] to be given, on account of the shevuot (oaths) and the fellow muzmanim (guests)

10. And he sent and had Yochanan beheaded in the beit hasohar.

11. And the rosh Yochanan of the tevilah of teshuva was brought upon a serving tray, and it was presented to the girl and she presented it to her mother.

12. And Yochanan's talmidim approached and carried away the niftar (deceased person) and buried him. Then they went and reported [it] to Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach.

13. And when he heard [this], he withdrew from there in a sirah (boat) to a desolate place by himself. And when the multitudes heard [this], they followed Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach by land from the shtetlach.

14. And having gone out, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach saw a great multitude, and Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach felt rachmei shomayim (heavenly compassion) for them and brought refuah (healing) to their cholim.

15. Now when erev (evening) came, Moshiach's talmidim came to him, saying, This place is desolate and the time is late. Dismiss the multitude, so that, having gone into the shtetlach, they may buy for themselves okhel (food).