Orthodox Jewish Bible

Mattityahu 10:25-33 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

25. It is enough for the talmid that he be like his Rebbe, and the eved like his Baal Bayit. If they called the Baal Bayit Baal-zibbul, how much more the anashim (men) in his bais.

26. Therefore, do not fear them; for nothing has been veiled which will not be unveiled; and nothing has been nistar (hidden) which will not be made known.

27. What I say to you in the choshech (darkness), you declare in the ohr (light); and what you hear whispered into your ears, shout, preach, from the rooftops.

28. And do not fear those who kill the basar (flesh), but are unable to kill the nefesh (soul); but rather fear the One who is able to destroy both basar and nefesh in Gehinnom.

29. Are not two sparrows sold for the least valuable copper coin? And yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from Avichem!

30. But, as far as you are concerned, even the hairs of your rosh have been inventoried.

31. Therefore, al taarotz (do not be afraid)! You are of more value than many sparrows!

32. Therefore, everyone who shall declare publicly the Ani Maamin hoda'ah of me [as Moshiach], before Bnei HaAdam, I will make hoda'ah (acknowledgment) of him before Avi shbaShomayim.

33. But everyone who makes hakhchashah (denial) of me [as Moshiach], I also will make hakhchashah (denial) of him before Avi shbaShomayim.