Orthodox Jewish Bible

Markos 9:43-50 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

43. And if your yad causes you a michshol, cut off your yad; for it is better for you if you enter Chayyei Olam as an amputee, than, having both yadayim, you go away into Gehinnom, into the EISH LO TIKHBEH (fire not [ever] extinguished, YESHAYAH 66:24),

44. Where their TOLAAT LO TAMUT (worm does not die YESHAYAH 66:24) and EISH LO TIKHBEH (the fire not [ever] extinguished YESHAYAH 66:24).]

45. And if your regel (foot) causes you a michshol, cut off your regel; it is better for you to enter Chayyei Olam lame, than, having both raglayim, to be cast into Gehinnom,

46. Where their TOLAAT LO TAMUT (worm does not die YESHAYAH 66:24) and EISH LO TIKHBEH (the fire not [ever] extinguished YESHAYAH 66:24).]

47. And if your ayin (eye) causes you a michshol, take it out; for it is better for you to enter the Malchut Hashem one-eyed, than, having both eynayim, to be cast into Gehinnom,

48. Where their TOLAAT LO TAMUT (worm does not die YESHAYAH 66:24) and EISH LO TIKHBEH (the fire not [ever] extinguished YESHAYAH 66:24).

49. For everyone will have eish as his melach (salt). [VAYIKRA 2:13]

50. Melach is tov, but if the melach becomes unsalty, by what [means] will you make it salty again? Have melach in yourselves. And among yourselves let there be shalom.