Orthodox Jewish Bible

Markos 4:16-20 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

16. And these are the ones sown upon the rocky places: when they hear the dvar, ofen ort with simcha they receive it.

17. Yet they do not have a shoresh (root) in themselves but are transitory; then when ES TZARAH comes or redifah (persecution) on account of the dvar, ofen ort they fall away, they become shmad. [YIRMEYAH 30:7; Mattityahu 24:21-22]

18. And others are the ones sown among thorns. These are the ones having heard the dvar,

19. and the worries of the Olam Hazeh and the seduction of ashires (riches) and the desires for other things come in and choke the dvar Hashem and it does not bear pri.

20. And these are the ones sown upon adamah tovah: they hear the dvar Hashem and are mekabel (receive) the dvar Hashem and bear pri, thirty, sixty and one hundredfold.