Orthodox Jewish Bible

Markos 13:8-22 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

8. For there will be an intifada of ethnic group against ethnic group and malchut against malchut, there will be earthquakes in place after place, [and] there will be famines. These things are but the beginning of the Chevlei [Moshiach].

9. But as for yourselves, take heed and be careful. For they will hand you over to the sanhedrin and in the shuls you will be beaten and before moshlim (governors) and melachim (kings) you will take your stand for the sake of me [Moshiach] as a solemn edut (testimony) to them.

10. And it is necessary that the Besuras HaGeulah first be proclaimed to all nations.

11. And when they arraign you and hand you over for trial, do not be worried beforehand about what you might say; but whatever is given to you in that hour, this you shall say, for it is not you yourselves who are the ones speaking, but the Ruach Hakodesh.

12. And ach will hand over ach to mavet, and Av [his] own yeled, and yeladim will rise up against horim (parents) and cause them to be condemned with onesh mavet (the death penalty). [MICHOH 7:6]

13. And everyone will hate you with sinas chinom (baseless hatred) because of my Name [Yehoshua, Yeshua]. But the one having endured to HaKetz, this one will receive Yeshuat Eloheinu.

14. And when you see the SHIKUTS MESHOMEM (the abomination of desolation, the abomination that causes desolation, DANIEL 9:27; 11:31; 12:11) standing where it ought not-- let the one reading this, take heed-- then let the ones in Yehudah flee to the mountains.

15. And the one on the roof, let him not come down back inside, and let him not enter his bais to take anything away.

16. And the one in the sadeh (field) let him not turn back to get his kaftan.

17. And oy to the ones with child and the ones with nursing infants in those days.

18. But daven tefillos that it may not occur in khoref (winter).

19. For in those days will be Tzarah Gedolah (Great Tribulation) of such a kind as has not happened from [the] Reshit Yedei HaBriah (Beginning of the Days of Creation) which Hashem created until now, and never again will be. [DANIEL 9:26; 12:1; YOEL 2:2]

20. And unless Hashem makes those yamim shortened, no one would be delivered in the Yeshuat Eloheinu. But for the sake of the Bechirim, whom Hashem chose, he shortened the yamim.

21. And, then, if someone says to you, Hinei! Here [is] the Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach! Hinei! There! do not have emunah in what they say.

22. For meshichei sheker (false moshiachs) will arise, and neviei sheker (false prophets), and they will perform otot and moftim so as to deceive and lead astray, if possible, the Bechirim. [DEVARIM 13:6,7,11,14]