Orthodox Jewish Bible

Markos 12:1-11 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach began to speak to them in meshalim (parables). A man, a Baal Bayit, planted a kerem (vineyard), and he put around [it] a fence and dug a pit for the yekev (winepress) and built a migdal (tower), and he leased it to koremim (vine keepers) and then the man went on a journey. [YESHAYAH 5:1-7]

2. And the Baal Bayit sent an eved to the tenants, the koremim, in the season [of katzir (harvest)] in order that from the koremim he might receive from the perot (fruit) of the kerem (vineyard).

3. But they seized the eved and they beat him and sent him away empty.

4. And again the Baal Bayit sent to the tenants, the koremim, another eved; and that one they struck on the rosh and insulted.

5. And the Baal Bayit sent another; and that one they killed, and many others, some beating, and others killing.

6. Still he had one BEN AHUV [T.N. see 9:7]. Lemaskana (finally), the Baal Bayit sent him to them saying, They will respect BENI.

7. But those koremim said to themselves, This one is the Yoresh (Heir) the Bechor. Come, let us kill him, and the nachalah, the bechorah, will be ours.

8. And having seized [him], they killed him and threw him out of the kerem.

9. What then will the Baal Bayit of the kerem do? He will come and destroy the koremim and will give the kerem to others.

10. Have you not read the Kitvei Hakodesh? EVEN MAASU HABONIM HAYTAH LEROSH PINAH; MEIET HASHEM HAYTAH ZOT, HI NIFLAT BEINEINU (The stone which the ones building rejected, this one has come to be for [the] chief cornerstone.

11. From Adonoi this came to be and it is wonderful in our eyes? [TEHILLIM 118:22,23]