Orthodox Jewish Bible

Lukas 7:28-31 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

28. I say to you, among those born of isha there is no one greater than Yochanan, yet he who is least in the Malchut Hashem is greater than he.

29. (And when kol haAm [all the People] and the mochesim heard this, they acknowledged the Tzidkat Hashem [Righteousness of G-d], having been submitted to the tevilah of teshuva of Yochanan.

30. But the Perushim and the Baalei HaTorah rejected the tachlis [purpose] of Hashem for their lives, refusing the tevilah of teshuva of Yochanan.)

31. Therefore, to what will I compare the people of hador hazeh (this generation) and what are they like?