Orthodox Jewish Bible

Lukas 24:8-27 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

8. And they remembered the words of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach.

9. And having returned from the kever (tomb), they reported all these things to the Achad Asar (the Eleven) and to all the others.

10. Now there were Miryam of Magdala and Yochanah and Miryam the Em (mother) of Yaakov, and the others with them. They were telling the Moshiach's Shlichim these things,

11. And these words of theirs appeared to the Moshiach's Shlichim as utter narrishkait, and the Shlichim had no emunah in what they said.

12. Kefa got up and ran to the kever (tomb). And when he bent over, Kefa sees the tachrichim linen clothes only, and he departed wondering to himself with tzorich iyun (unresolved puzzlement) about the thing that had happened.

13. And, hinei, shnayim (two) of them that same day were traveling to a shtetl being distant sixty stadia from Yerushalayim, a shtetl the name of which is Ammaus.

14. And they were speaking to one another concerning all these things that had happened.

15. And it came about while they were talking and discussing these things that also Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach himself had come near and was traveling along with them,

16. But the eynayim (eyes) of them were prevented from recognizing Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach.

17. And he said to them, What dvarim (words) are these which you are exchanging with one another as you are walking along? And they stood with a look of agmat nefesh (tzubrochen, broken-hearted).

18. And in reply one, Cleopas by name, said to him, Are you the only one visiting Yerushalayim that does not have daas of the things that have happened in it in these days?

19. And he said to them, What things? And they said to him, The things about Yehoshua from Natzeret, who was a man, a navi, powerful in ma'aseh and dvar before Hashem and all HaAm,

20. And how both our Rashei Hakohanim and minhagim delivered him over to a mishpat mavet and how on HaEtz they hanged him. [DEVARIM 21:23]

21. But we were holding the tikvah that he is the one to bring the Geulah of Yisroel. Ken, and besides all this, it is now HaYom HaShlishi vibahlt (since) these things took place.

22. Also some nashim (women) in our number astounded us. They came to the kever (tomb, Rebbe's ohel) early this morning,

23. And not having found geviyyato (his body, cf Bereshis 47:18; nevelah, corpse), [DEVARIM 21:23], the nashim (women) came saying also to have seen a chazon (vision, appearance) of malachim (angels) who say he lives.

24. And some of the ones with us departed to the kever (tomb), and they found it so, just as also the nashim (women) said, but him they did not see.

25. And Moshiach said to them, O foolish ones and slow in lev (heart) to have emunah in all which the Neviim spoke.

26. Was it not necessary for the Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach to suffer these things and to enter into his kavod (glory)?

27. And having begun from Moshe Rabbenu and from all the Neviim, he explained to them in all the Kitvei Hakodesh the things concerning himself. [BERESHIS 3:15; BAMIDBAR 21:9; DEVARIM 18:15; YESHAYAH 7:14; 9:6; 40:10,11; 53; YECHEZKEL 34:23; DANIEL 9:24; TEHILLIM 22; MALACHI 3:1]