Orthodox Jewish Bible

Lukas 24:37-53 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

37. But having been startled and having been terrified, they were thinking they saw a ruach (spirit).

38. And he said to them, Why have you been troubled, and why do doubts arise in your levavot?

39. You see my hands and my feet that I am myself. Touch me and see, because a ruach does not have basar and atzamot (bones) as you see me having.

40. And having said this, he showed them his hands and his feet.[TEHILLIM 22:17(16) TARGUM HASHIVIM]

41. And while in their simcha they were still disbelieving and astonished, he said to them, Have you some okhel here?

42. And they gave him part of a broiled dag (fish).

43. And having taken it, in front of them, he ate it.

44. And he said to them, These are my dvarim which I spoke to you while still being with you, that it is necessary that all the things having been written in the Torah of Moshe and the Neviim and the Tehillim about me [Moshiach] to be fulfilled. [TEHILLIM 2; 16; 22; 69; 72; 89; 110; 118;]

45. Then he opened their minds to have binah (understanding) of the Kitvei Hakodesh.

46. And he said to them, Thus it has been written, that the Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach must suffer his histalkus (passing) and come back to life again from HaMesim on HaYom HaShlishi,

47. And teshuva for the selicha (forgiveness) of chattaim (sins) is to be preached bShem of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua to all the Nations, beginning from Yerushalayim.

48. You are to be edim (witnesses) of these things.

49. And, hinei, I send the havtachah of Avi to you; but you sit in HaIr (the City) until you may be clothed with oz (power) from on High.

50. And he led them outside as far as Beit-Anyah, and having lifted up his hands, he said a bracha over them.

51. And while he said the bracha over them, he departed from them, being taken up in an aliyah ascent to Shomayim.

52. And they, having reverenced him in worship [DANIEL 7:14; cf. DANIEL 3:18], returned to Yerushalayim with simcha gedolah.

53. And they were continually in the Beis Hamikdash praising Hashem. [T.N. From the "we" sections of Acts (16:10-17, 20:5-21:18; 27:1-28:16), Lukas intimates he had opportunity to obtain independent corroboration of the veracity of what came to be included in the other synoptic Gospels and that Luke had opportunity also to interview living eye-witnesses in the early pre-Churban Bayis Sheni period of his travels to Jerusalem with Rav Sha'ul, making his writings, Luke-Acts, of inestimable historical value to Messianic believers today.]