Orthodox Jewish Bible

Lukas 22:39-45 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

39. And having gone out, he went according to his kvius (regimen) to the Har HaZeytim, and his talmidim followed him also.

40. And having come to the place, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to them, Daven and offer tefillos, lest you enter lidey nisayon (into temptation, Mt.6:13).

41. And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach had withdrawn from them about a stone's throw, and, having fallen down, he was davening,

42. Saying, Avi, im yirtzeh Hashem, if You are willing, take this kos (cup) away from me. Nevertheless not the ratzon of me but rtzonechah (Thy will) be done. (Mt. 6:10)

43. And a malach min HaShomayim appeared to him, strengthening him.

44. And having been in agony, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach was davening more fervently; and his sweat became like drops of dahm falling down upon the adamah.

45. And having got up from davening and having come to the talmidim, he found them sleeping, because of agmat nefesh (grief).