Orthodox Jewish Bible

Lukas 22:28-38 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

28. But you are the ones having remained with me in my nisyonos (temptations).

29. And I assign shlita (authority) to you, just as Avi assigned shlita to me; a Malchut (Kingdom),

30. That you may eat and drink at my tish in my Malchut, and you will sit upon kissot (thrones) judging the Shneym Asar Shivtei Yisroel (Twelve Tribes of Yisroel).

31. Shimon, Shimon, hinei, Hasatan asked for you, to sift you like wheat [IYOV 1:6-12; AMOS 9:9]

32. But I davened for you, that your emunah may not fail: and when you have made teshuva, give chizzuk to your Achim bMoshiach.

33. But Shimon Kefa said to him, Adoni, with you I am prepared even to go to the beis hasohar, even to die al kiddush ha-Shem.

34. But Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said, I say to you, a tarnegol will not crow hayom until shalosh paamim you, Kefa, will make hakhchashah (denial) of your daas of me.

35. He said to them, When I sent you without a money belt and a bag and sandals, did you lack anything? And they said, Nothing.

36. Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to them, But now the one having a money belt, let him take it; likewise also a bag; and the one not having, let him sell his kaftan and let him buy a cherev.

37. For I say to you, that it is necessary that what stands written be fulfilled in me, VES POSHEIM NIMNAH (and with lawless persons he was numbered YESHAYAH 53:12). For indeed what was written about me is being fulfilled.

38. And they said, Adoni, hinei, here are shtei charavot (two swords). And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to them, It is enough.