Orthodox Jewish Bible

Lukas 21:12-19 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

12. But before all these things, they will lay their hands on you and bring redifot (persecutions) on you, handing you over to the shuls and the batei hasohar (prisons), being led away before melachim (kings) and moshelim (governors) because of my Name (Yehoshua, Yeshua).

13. It will turn out for you to be an opportunity for being an eidus (witness) to the edut (testimony).

14. Therefore, keep in your levavot (hearts) not to prepare to defend yourselves.

15. For I will give to you a peh (mouth) and chochmah which none of your mitnaggedim will be able to resist or to contradict.

16. And you will be handed over also by horim and achim and krovey mishpachot (relatives) and chaverim (friends), and they will have some of you executed and you will die al kiddush ha-Shem,

17. And you will be the focus of sinas chinom (baseless hatred) from everyone because of my Name (Yehoshua, Yeshua).

18. And not even a hair of your rosh will by any means perish.

19. In your savlanut (patience) and endurance you will gain your nefashot (souls).