Orthodox Jewish Bible

Lukas 20:20-31 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

20. And having watched carefully, they sent spies pretending themselves to be tzaddikim, that they might catch him in his dvar, so as to deliver him to the rulers and the manhigim under the Moshel (Governor).

21. And they set a she'elah (question) before him, saying, Rabbi, we have daas that you speak beemes in the shiurim you say and you show no deference toward anyone, but on the basis of HaEmes you give torah about HaDerech Hashem.

22. Is it mutar for us to pay tax to Caesar or not?

23. But having noticed the ORMAH (cunning, craftiness, BERESHIS 3:1) in their manner, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to them,

24. Show me a denarius. Whose demut (likeness) has it? And whose inscription? And they said, Caesar's.

25. And he said to them, Then give the things of Caesar to Caesar and the things of Hashem to Hashem.

26. And they were not able to catch him in his dvar before the people and, having been mishpoyel (marveled) at his teshuva (answer), they were silent.

27. And some of the Tzedukim--the Tzedukim are the ones speaking against the Techiyas HaMesim, who say there is none--approached Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach. They set a she'elah (question) before him,

28. Saying, Rabbi, Moshe Rabbenu laid it down in writing to us, if someone's ach dies and has an isha, and UVEN EIN LO (and there is no son to him), that he should take the almanah of his ach and he should raise up a zera (seed) to his ach. [Dt 25:5]

29. Now there were shiva achim. And the first took an isha, and died UVEN EIN LO (and there is no son to him).

30. And the second took her to be his isha, and he died childless.

31. And the third took her; and likewise also the seventh did not leave behind a ben and they all died.