Orthodox Jewish Bible

Lukas 18:3-12 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

3. Now an almanah was in that town and she was coming to him saying, Grant me yashrus (justice) against my ish riv (opponent in a lawsuit). [YESHAYAH 1:17]

4. And for a zman (time) the Shofet was not willing. But after these things, he said to himself, If indeed Hashem I do not fear nor do Bnei Adam I respect,

5. Yet because this almanah (widow) causes me tzoros and is such a nudzh (pest), I will grant yashrus (justice) to her, lest in the end she may wear me out by her constant coming.

6. Now Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu said, Listen to what the unrighteous shofet says.

7. Now will not Hashem by all means do mishpat for his Bechirim crying out to him yomam valailah? Will he delay long in bringing them help? [Ex 22:23; Ps 88:1]

8. I say to you that Hashem will bring about their yashrus (justice) swiftly, but when the Ben HaAdam (Moshiach, DANIEL 7:13-14) comes, will he then find emunah (faith) on haaretz?

9. And he said this mashal also to some, who have become soimech (confident, putting their trust and being dependent) on themselves that they are tzaddikim and who are despising others. [YESHAYAH 65:5]

10. Shnei anashim (two men) went up to the Beis Hamikdash to daven, one was a Perush and the other, a moches (tax collector).

11. The Perush was standing by himself, shawkling (ritual swaying while davening), and his tefillah went like this: Adonoi, Modeh Ani that I am not like other men, swindlers, reshaim, menaafim, or even this moches.

12. I undergo a tzom (fast) twice during the week, I give the ma'aser (tithe) of everything as much as I get. [YESHAYAH 58:3, MALACHI 3:8]