Orthodox Jewish Bible

Lukas 18:23-31 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

23. But having heard these things, he fell into agmat nefesh (grief, sadness). For he had much kesef.

24. And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, when he saw him fall into agmat nefesh, said, How difficult it is for the ones having osher (riches) to enter into the Malchut Hashem. [MISHLE 11:28]

25. For it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for an oisher (rich man) to enter into the Malchut Hashem.

26. But the ones, having heard, said, Then who is able to come to Yeshu'at Eloheinu?

27. And he said, The things impossible with Bnei Adam are possible with Hashem.

28. And Kefa said, Hinei, we have left everything to follow you.

29. And he said to them, Omein, I say to you, that there is no one who left bais or isha or achim or horim (parents) or yeladim because of the Malchut Hashem,

30. Who will not receive many times as much in this zman (time) and in the Olam HaBah, Chayyei Olam.

31. And having taken the Shneym Asar (Twelve) aside in a yechidus, he said to them, Hinei, we are making another aliyah leregel (pilgrimage) to Yerushalayim, and all the things having been written by the Nevi'im about the Ben HaAdam (Moshiach, DANIEL 7:13-14) will be fulfilled. [TEHILLIM 118:22]