Orthodox Jewish Bible

Lukas 18:1-6 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. Now he was speaking a mashal to them about how it is necessary always for them to daven and not to lose chozek, [YESHAYAH 40:31]

2. Saying, An aza (certain) Shofet was in a certain town. Now this Shofet had no fear of Hashem nor any respect for Bnei Adam.

3. Now an almanah was in that town and she was coming to him saying, Grant me yashrus (justice) against my ish riv (opponent in a lawsuit). [YESHAYAH 1:17]

4. And for a zman (time) the Shofet was not willing. But after these things, he said to himself, If indeed Hashem I do not fear nor do Bnei Adam I respect,

5. Yet because this almanah (widow) causes me tzoros and is such a nudzh (pest), I will grant yashrus (justice) to her, lest in the end she may wear me out by her constant coming.

6. Now Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu said, Listen to what the unrighteous shofet says.