Orthodox Jewish Bible

Lukas 17:29-37 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

29. But on the Yom when Lot went out from Sdom, from Shomayim it rained down eish and gofrit and destroyed everything.

30. So it will be on the Yom when the Ben HaAdam (Moshiach, DANIEL 7:13-14) has his hisgalus (revelation).

31. On that yom let not anyone on the housetop come back down inside for any of his property in the bais, and the one in a sadeh (field) likewise let him not turn back for things left behind.

32. Remember eshet Lot (Lot's wife). [BERESHIS 19:26]

33. Whoever seeks to preserve his nefesh will lose it; but whoever loses it, will preserve it.

34. I say to you, in lailah hazeh there will be two in one bed: one will be taken; and the other will be left.

35. There will be shtayim (two) grinding at the same place: one will be taken, but the other will be left.

36. Shtayim will be in the sadeh (field); one will be taken and the other left.

37. And in reply they say to him, Where, Adoneinu? But Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to them, Where the NEVELAH (DEVARIM 21:23) is, there also the nesharim (vultures, eagles [popularly]) will be gathered together.