Orthodox Jewish Bible

Lukas 16:11-22 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

11. If, then, you were not ne'eman with unrighteous mammon, who will entrust you with hon emes ?

12. And if you were not neeman with that which belongs to another, who will give you what is your own?

13. No eved is able to serve two adonim; for either he will have sinah (hatred) toward the one and he will have ahavah (love) toward the other, or one he will be devoted to and the other he will despise. Your avodas service cannot be for both Hashem and Mammon.

14. And the Perushim, who were ohavei kesef (lovers of money), heard all this and they made leitzonus (fun) of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach.

15. And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to them, You are the ones who in the sight of Bnei Adam credit yourself as being yitzdak im Hashem (justified with G-d, IYOV 25:4), but Hashem has daas (knowledge) of your levavot. Because the thing highly esteemed among Bnei Adam is a to'eva (abomination) before Hashem.

16. The Torah and the Neviim were proclaimed until Yochanan; since then it is the Malchut Hashem that is being preached as Besuras HaGeulah, and anyone entering it must strive to do so.

17. But it is easier for HaShomayim and HaAretz to pass away than for one tag (ornamental flourish) of the Torah to fail.

18. Anyone giving the get to his isha and taking another wife commits ni'uf (adultery), and the one marrying a gerusha (divorcee) commits ni'uf (adultery).

19. Now there was a certain oisher (rich man). He was dressed in purple and fine linen, and yom yom (daily) he feasted sumptuosly and every day for him was to make a simcha. [YECHEZKEL 16:49]

20. And there was a certain ish oni (poor man) covered with sores, Elazar by name, who had been laid at the oisher's sha'ar (gate).

21. And the ish oni Elazar longed to fill his mogen (stomach) with what fell from the oisher's tish. But even the kelevim (dogs) were coming and licking the sores of the ish oni (poor man).

22. And it came to pass that Elazar died, and he was carried away by the malachim to the tish at the kheyk (bosom) of Avraham Avinu. And then the oisher (rich man) died also, and he was buried.