Orthodox Jewish Bible

Lukas 11:31-36 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

31. The Queen of the South will be made to stand up alive at the [Yom HaDin] Mishpat (Judgment) with the men of HaDor HaZeh and she will declare a gezar din (verdict) of harshaah (condemnation as guilty), because she came from the ends of the earth to hear the chochmah of Shlomo, and one greater than Shlomo is here. [MELACHIM ALEF 10:1; DIVREY HAYAMIM BAIS 9:1; Ro 8:1]

32. Men of Nineveh will stand up at the Mishpat (Judgment of the Yom HaDin) with HaDor HaZeh and will condemn it, because they made teshuva at the preaching of Yonah, and one greater than Yonah is here.

33. No one having lit a menorah puts it in a hidden place, nor under the measuring bucket, but on the shulchan, in order that the ones entering may see the ohr.

34. The menorah of the basar is your ayin (eye). When your ayin is sound, then your entire basar is full of ohr. But when it is rah, then your basar is full of choshech.

35. See to it, then, that the ohr in you is not choshech (darkness).

36. If therefore, your whole basar is full of ohr and not having any part choshech, it will be all full of ohr as when the menorah with the ohr (light) shines on you.