Orthodox Jewish Bible

Lukas 11:1-10 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. And it came about while he was in a certain place davening that, when he concluded, a certain one of his talmidim said to him, Adoneinu, teach us to daven, just as also Yochanan taught his talmidim.

2. And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to them, When you daven, say, Avinu, yitkadash shmecha (hallowed be Thy Name). Tavo malchutechah (Thy kingdom come).

3. Es lechem chukeinu ten lanu yom yom (Give us day by day the bread we need).

4. U slach lanu es chovoteinu (And forgive us our debts, sins) ki solechim gam anachnu lekhol hachayav lanu (for also we ourselves are forgiving all that are the debtor to us) val tevieinu lidei nisayon (And lead us not into temptation).

5. And Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach said to them, Who among you will have a chaver and will come to him at chatzot halailah (midnight), and say to him, Chaver, lend me shalosh kikrot (loaves);

6. Because a chaver of mine has come from a journey to me and I have nothing to set before him;

7. And from inside he shall reply, saying, Do not bother me; the delet has already been shut, and my yeladim and I are already in bed; I cannot get up and give to you anything.

8. I say to you, even if he will not get up and give him anything, because he is his chaver, at least because of his keseder (constantly) persistent importunity he will get up and give to him as much as he needs.

9. And I tell you [when you daven], ask, and it shall be given to you; seek and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened to you.

10. For everyone asking receives; and he who is seeking, finds; and to the one knocking, it shall be opened.