Orthodox Jewish Bible

Lukas 1:54-60 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

54. Hashem helped his servant Yisroel, in remembrance of his rachamim (mercy),

55. Just as Hashem spoke to Avoteinu, to Avraham Avinu and his Zera ad Olam.

56. And Miryam remained with Elisheva about shlosha chodashim, and then Miryam returned to her bais.

57. Now when the time of Elisheva to give birth was fulfilled, she bore a ben.

58. And Elisheva's shchenim (neighbors) and krovim (relatives) heard that Adoneinu greatly demonstrated his rachamim to her, and they had much simcha with her.

59. And it came about on the yom hashemini (the eighth day) they came for the bris milah of the yeled, and they were calling him by the name of his abba, Zecharyah.

60. And in reply, his Em said: Lo, but he will be called Yochanan.