Orthodox Jewish Bible

Lukas 1:50-54 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

50. And the chesed of Hashem is DOR VDOR [TEHILLIM 100:5] to those with yirat Shomayim. [SHEMOT 20:6; TEHILLIM 103:17]

51. Hashem has done niflaot (wonders) with his zeroa [arm, YESHAYAH 53:1]. He scattered those who in the machshavot (thoughts) of their levavot are the Gaayonim (the Haughty ones).

52. He brought down shalitim (rulers) from their kisot (thrones) and lifted up the Anavim (Humble),

53. The ones hungering, Hashem made full of tov, and the ashirim he sent away empty. [TEHILLIM 107:9]

54. Hashem helped his servant Yisroel, in remembrance of his rachamim (mercy),