Orthodox Jewish Bible

Lukas 1:13-16 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

13. But the malach said to him, Do not have pachad (fear), Zecharyah. Your tefillah (prayer) was heard and your isha, Elisheva, will bear a ben to you and you will call his shem Yochanan.

14. And he will be a simcha to you and sasson (joy), and there will be sasson rav (great joy) at his huledet (birth).

15. And he will be gadol before Hashem, and he will not drink yayin or strong drink, and he will be filled with the Ruach Hakodesh from the womb of his Em (mother), [BAMIDBAR 6:3; VAYIKRA 10:9; SHOFETIM 13:4; YIRMEYAH 1:5]

16. And many of the Bnei Yisroel he will turn back in teshuva to Hashem Eloheihem.