Orthodox Jewish Bible

Kohelet 7:1-11 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. A shem tov is better than precious ointment; and the yom hamavet than the day of one's birth.

2. It is better to go to the bais evel (house of mourning), than to go to the bais mishteh (house of feasting); for that is the sof (end, conclusion; see 12:13) of kol haAdam; and the living will take it to heart.

3. Ka'as (sorrow) is better than laughter; for sadness of the countenance is good for the lev.

4. The lev of chachamim is in the bais evel (house of mourning); but the lev of kesilim is in the bais simchah.

5. It is better to hear the rebuke of the chacham, than for an ish to hear the shir kesilim.

6. For as is the crackling of thorns under a pot, so is the laughter of the kesil; this also is hevel.

7. Surely oppression maketh a chacham mad; and a bribe corrupts the heart.

8. Better is the acharit (end) of a thing than the reshit (beginning) thereof; and erech ruach (patience) is better than gavoah ruach (haughtiness).

9. Be not hasty in thy ruach to be angry; for ka'as (anger) resteth in the kheyk (bosom) of kesilim.

10. Say thou not, What is the cause that the yamim harishonim were better than these? For it is not because of chochmah that thou dost inquire concerning this.

11. Chochmah is better than a nachalah (inheritance); and by it there is an advantage to them that see the shemesh.