Orthodox Jewish Bible

Kohelet 12:7-13 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

7. Then shall the aphar return to ha'aretz as it was; and the ruach shall return unto HaElohim who gave it.

8. Hevel havalim, saith Kohelet; all is hevel.

9. And moreover, because Kohelet was chacham, he taught the people da'as; yea, he applied, and searched out, and set in order many meshalim (proverbs).

10. Kohelet searched to find out divrei chefetz; and that which was written was yosher, even divrei emes.

11. Divrei chachamim are like goads, and like nails firmly fixed are the collected sayings that are given by Ro'eh Echad (One Shepherd).

12. And further, by these, beni, be admonished; of making many sefarim there is no ketz; and much study is a weariness of the basar.

13. Let us hear the sof (conclusion) of the whole matter; Fear HaElohim, and of His commandments be shomer mitzvot; for this is the whole duty of haAdam.