Orthodox Jewish Bible

Kehilah In Rome 8:24-30 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

24. For in tikvah (hope) we were delivered in eschatological salvation. But tikvah (hope) which is seen is not tikvah, for who hopes for what he sees?

25. But if we have tikvah for what we do not see, we eagerly await it with zitzfleisch.

26. In the same way, the Ruach Hakodesh helps us in our weakness (as creatures: see Ro 5:6). For as we daven, we do not know as we should for what to make tefillos (prayers), but the Ruach HaKodesh Himself intercedes on our behalf with labor pang groans not intelligibly uttered.

27. And Hashem who searches the levavot knows what is the way of thinking of the Ruach Hakodesh, because He intercedes as G-d would have it on behalf of the Kadoshim.

28. And we have da'as that for those who love Hashem everything co-operates toward HaTov for those who are HaKeru'im (the summoned, called ones) according to the etzah (wisdom) of the tochnit Hashem (G-d's purposeful and willed plan or goal Ro 9:11).

29. For those Hashem had da'as of beterem (beforehand YIRMEYAH 1:5), Hashem also decided upon from the beginning to be conformed to the demut (likeness) of Hashem's Ben HaElohim, that he [Moshiach] should be HaBechor (Firstborn) among many Achim b'Moshiach.

30. And those Hashem decided upon from the beginning Hashem also summoned, called; and those Hashem summoned, called Hashem also acquitted, pronounced to be YITZDAK IM HASHEM; and those Hashem acquitted and pronounced to be YITZDAK IM HASHEM Hashem also set in eternal kavod (glory).