Orthodox Jewish Bible

Kehilah In Rome 6:6-9 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

6. Having da'as of this, that, with Moshiach, our old humanity (in Adam) has been put to death on Moshiach's Etz (Tree [the Etz HaKelelat Hashem, the Tree of the Curse of G-d--DEVARIM 21:23]) in order that the etsem HaAdam HaChet (the essence of the sinful human condition) might be done away with, so that we might no longer serve Chet (sin) (cf.Ro 6:23].

7. For he who has died is declared niftar (freed, deceased) from Chet.

8. But if we have died with Moshiach, we believe that we shall also live with him,

9. Having da'as that Moshiach, having been given the Techiyah (Resurrection) from the Mesim (Dead ones), no longer dies, Mavet (death) and Histalkus no longer exercise control over him.