Orthodox Jewish Bible

Kehilah In Rome 5:3-7 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

3. Not only so, but we also glory in tzoros (troubles, afflictions), knowing that tzarah (trouble) produces zitzfleisch (patience),

4. Zitzfleisch produces tested character and midos, and tested character and midos produce tikvah.

5. And tikvah does not in the end lead to our being meyayesh (despairing) in disillusionment and bushah (shame) (TEHILLIM 25:3), because the Ahavas Hashem (G-d's love) has been poured out in our levavot through the Ruach Hakodesh given to us.

6. For while we were still helpless, Moshiach died for the resha'im (the unrighteous persons, the wicked), doing so at the appointed time [DANIEL 9:24-26]!

7. For only rarely will someone die for a tzaddik (righteous man); though efsher (perhaps) it is shayach (conceivable) that someone will dare to die for the tzaddik.