Orthodox Jewish Bible

Kehilah In Rome 5:10-13 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

10. For if when we were [G-d's] oyevim (enemies) we were reconciled to Hashem through the histalkus (passing), the mavet (death, YESHAYAH 53:12; DANIEL 9:26) of the Ben HaElohim [Moshiach], how much more, having been reconciled and no longer oyevim, shall we be delivered by his [Techiyah (Resurrection)] Chayyim!

11. Not only so, but we also glory in Hashem though Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua Adoneinu, through whom we have now received the ritztzuy (reconciliation, cessation of enmity, hostility between a wrathful holy G-d and sinful men).

12. Therefore, just as through one Adam (one man, humanity, Adam), Chet (Sin) entered into the Olam Hazeh and, through Chet (Sin), entered Mavet (Death); and so Mavet (Death) passed through to kol B'nei Adam (all Mankind, all the sons of Adam), because all sinned.

13. For before (the epoch of) the Torah (Law), Chet (Sin, Chet Kadmon, original sin) was in HaOlam (HaZeh, the world). But Chet (Sin) is not accounted, recorded [to make charges for death penalties] in the absence of Torah [i.e., no Law, no violation, death penalty].