Orthodox Jewish Bible

Kehilah In Rome 3:6-12 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

6. Chas v'shalom! (G-d forbid!) For then how could Hashem be HaShofet kol ha'Aretz? [BERESHIS 18:25]

7. "But if the Emes Hashem (truth of G-d) has by my sheker overflowed to His kavod (glory), why am I still judged as a rashah (an evildoer)?"

8. Why do we not say, as some speakers of lashon hora slanderously report us to say, "Let us do rah that tov might come of it"? The gezar din (verdict) of ashem (guilty) on them is well deserved.

9. What then? Are we (Yehudim) better off? Not altogether. For we have now charged both Yehudim and non-Jews as all alike under HaChet (sin, i.e., the power of Chet Kadmon Ro 7:23),

10. As it is written, EIN TZADDIK BA'ARETZ (KOHELET 7:20), There is none [on earth] righteous, not even one.

11. There is none who has binah, there is none who seeks out G-d.

12. All have turned aside, they have become altogether paskudneh, worthless; there is none who does good, there is none, not so much as one.