Orthodox Jewish Bible

Kehilah In Rome 3:2-7 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

2. Much in every way! For, koidem kol (in the first place), they are entrusted with the Divrei Hashem (the oracles, the words of G-d).

3. So, where does that leave us? If some have disbelieved, has their lack of emunah annulled the ne'emanut (faithfulness, trustworthiness, reliability) of Hashem?

4. Chas v'shalom (G-d forbid!) Let G-d be true and KOL HAADAM KOZEV ("every man a liar" TEHILLIM 116:11). Even as it is written, L'MA'AN TITZDAK B'DAVRECHA ("in order that you might be vindicated when you speak" and shall overcome when you judge TEHILLIM 51:6[4]).

5. But if our unrighteousness brings out and highlights the Tzedek Olamim, the Tzidkat Hashem (the righteousness of G-d), what shall we say? Rhetorically speaking, is G-d unjust in inflicting Charon Af Hashem (1:18)? (I speak from a human standpoint.)

6. Chas v'shalom! (G-d forbid!) For then how could Hashem be HaShofet kol ha'Aretz? [BERESHIS 18:25]

7. "But if the Emes Hashem (truth of G-d) has by my sheker overflowed to His kavod (glory), why am I still judged as a rashah (an evildoer)?"