Orthodox Jewish Bible

Kehilah In Rome 2:11-26 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

11. For ki ein masso panim im Hashem (there is no partiality with Hashem).

12. For as many as have committed averos and sinned lacking the Torah shall also perish lacking the Torah; and as many as have committed averos (sin) under the Torah shall be condemned under the Torah.

13. For it is not the Shomei HaTorah (hearers of the Law of Moshe Rabbeinu) who are the tzaddikim who are accounted to be YITZDAK IM HASHEM ("justified with G-d" IYOV 25:4). It is the Shomrei HaTorah (the keepers of the Torah) who will be counted to be YITZDAK IM HASHEM.

14. For when Goyim, who have not the Torah, do by nature what the Torah requires, they not having the Torah are the torah for themselves,

15. In that they demonstrate the Torah at work [YIRMEYAH 31:33], the Torah written in their levavot, their matzpun (conscience) also bearing witness, while their thoughts bring accusation or even make defense among themselves,

16. In the Yom [HaDin (Day of Judgment)] when, according to my Besuras HaGeulah, Hashem, through Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua, is to judge the secrets of kol Bnei Adam (all men).

17. But if you are called by the name Yehudi (Jew) and rely on the Torah and boast in Hashem,

18. And have da'as of His will and approve the things that matter, being instructed from the Torah

19. And being confident that you are a moreh derech (guide) of the ivrim (blind ones), an ohr for those in choshech,

20. A rabbinic moreh (teacher) of the foolish, a melammed (instructor) of the young, having the embodiment of da'as (knowledge) and Emes (Ro 1:25) in the Torah...

21. You, then, who teach another, do you not teach yourself? You who preach LO TIGNOV ("Do not steal!" SHEMOT 20:15), do you steal?

22. You who say, LO TINAF ("Do not commit adultery!" SHEMOT 20:14), do you commit adultery? You who abhor elilim (idols), do you rob pagan temples?

23. You who boast in the Torah, through sur min haTorah (deviating from the Torah), you commit Chillul Hashem.

24. As it is written, Among the Goyim KOL HAYOM HASHEM HAELOHIM MINNO'ATZ ("All the day long the Name of G-d is being blasphemed" (YESHAYAH 52:5) because of you.

25. For the bris milah (circumcision) is of benefit if you stand in mishma'at (obedience) to the Torah. But if you are guilty, if you are sur min haTorah (deviating from the Torah) (2:23), your bris milah has become uncircumcision.

26. If then the ben Adam without bris milah is shomer fulfilling the just requirements of the Torah (1:32), will not his uncircumcision be counted as "bris milah "?